Sept. 1-7, 2023
Open now to authors who would like to participate.
$25 per book
1 book per author/pen name
The Virtual Book Fair is open: https://www.oklahomaromancewritersguild.com/virtual-book-fair
Oklahoma Romance Writers Guild is having a book fair! Join us Sept. 1st to peruse romance books of all heat levels AND enter for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card. All those who attend our virtual book fair could also leave with a FREE phone background...think of it like when you attended that school book fair as a kid and walked away with one of those prized kitty posters for your bedroom wall. It's a win-win! More info will be posted on our website on September 1st.
Want to have your book featured in our Virtual Book Fair? It's only $25! Go HERE for more info!